This is my 10th year in the fitness industry.

And as each year passes as a coach, I resonate less and less with the fitness industry as a whole.

We hear the word ‘empowerment’ thrown around so much, especially by coaches (myself included).

But when we break down what the majority of the fitness industry is actually selling you, it’s far from empowering.

On the surface, the industry as a whole operates on the idea that they are here to better you; to help you be your ‘healthiest’ self.

But when we peel back the pretty wrapping paper, we see the fitness industry for what it truly is; a business that is completely centred around preying on the insecurities of the people that it services.

When we get to the core of it, one message becomes unmistakably clear to us as consumers…

‘You are not good enough as you are.’

It’s reinforced every single time a coach posts a ‘before’ and ‘after’ photo, subtly cementing that the smaller body is the ‘better’ body.

It's reinforced every time a coach promotes their weight loss and dieting ‘hacks’, yet completely overlooks the detrimental impact that perpetual dieting has on our mental well-being.

It's reinforced every single time a coach launches a 12 week challenge, promoting the idea that in just 12 weeks, you can be a smaller and therefore ‘better’ you.

Although it's never explicitly stated, our insecurities are exploited by the fitness industry and used as a marketing tactic over and over again.

So, you’re probably wondering… ‘Claudia, if you hate the fitness industry so much, why are you still in it?’

To be honest with you, a big reason I stay is because I know what it’s like to feel unworthy.

I know what it feels like when you want to change every single part of yourself
because you don’t feel good enough as you are.

My heart breaks for that version of myself.

And it breaks every single time I talk to a woman who feels that way too.

I do what I do, for as long as I have, because I want to shatter this narrative.

I want you to feel empowered -
and I mean GENUINELY empowered.

And the only way to truly feel empowered is to understand and believe that you are ALWAYS worthy.

My mission is to create a space for you to embrace that belief.

Regardless of what you weigh, or what you do or don’t achieve, I will accept and hold space for every single part of you.

I will stretch you outside of your comfort zone,
because that is the only way you can begin to accept and hold space for every single part of yourself too.

So, if there is one message I want you to take home from this email, it’s this:

You are worthy exactly as you are.

Whether you lose 10kg or gain 10kg, that doesn’t change.

There is no need to become a ‘better’ version of yourself.

There is only a need to become the most authentic version of yourself; a need to accept all parts of yourself and to recognise that you are more than your body.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to have goals, and to envision yourself in a different place a year from now...
but whether or not you reach those goals,
or whether or not you arrive at your destination,
you are still worthy.

You are still good enough.

When you truly believe you are good enough as you are,
the most powerful growth happens.

Lot’s of love,
Claudia x
